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Prof. Apkarian's Research Cited in 'WaPo' Article

York's Dr. Jacob Apkarian is part of a research article that keeps on giving to other people's articles.

Dr. Apkarian, Assistant Professor of Sociology in York's Department of Behavioral Sciences, has seen the study, done with two CUNY colleagues, linked to or quoted from in numerous articles since it was published in 2020. Today's (3/25/'22)Washington Post mention was just the latest. 

"It came out of work I have been doing with the National Center for The Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions at Hunter College," said Prof. Apkarian. "I'm currently a Research Fellow at the center."

The article does not directly mention Apkarian and his colleagues by names, but cites data and a  hyperlink to the report where he is one of three co-authors.

Read the full Washington Post article on faculty labor unions and click on the embedded hyperlink "have won recognition since 2013," to see the Herbert, Apkarian van der Naald publication.

Congratulations to Dr. Apkarian, his fellow authors and his department!