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Dean White Quoted in Article on Trump's Arraignment Site

This week Dean George White was asked to comment in a criminal justice story for "Capital B," on the irony that former President Trump was arraigned in the same court house as did the Central Park Five (now-Exonorated Five).

Trump famously demonized the wrongly-accused teens, going so far as to place expensive ads calling for the death penalty to be reinstated in New York for their trial in the Central Park jogger case in the late 1980s. Dr. White is one of two CUNY professors quoted in the article, "The Courthouse Where Trump Will Surrender Conjures an Ugly History,"   trump-indictment-arraignment/

**Dr. White is Interim Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and professor of History at York College. His expertise includes U.S. Foreign Policy towards Africa, African American History, and American Law & Society.