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Resources and guidance for students in distress

In follow up to President Eanes’ message about campus resources and support available to faculty, staff and students, please see the attached letter from Interim Assistant Dean of EMSA, James Salnave.

Dear Cardinal Community:
As we move towards the holidays and final exams in a few weeks, we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you about some critical campus resources and guidance available to assist students in distress. 
It is essential to remember that if you encounter an emergency or students in crisis, please continue to contact Public Safety at 718-262-2222. You may also contact the Office of Student Development at 718-262-2331 for immediate response and assessment of the situation, in consultation with Health Services, the Center for Students with Disabilities, and Counseling staff. 
We have also developed additional web resources that include new web pages for Student Conduct and The Office of the Ombudsperson, an impartial student advocate resource to assist students in resolving college-related concerns. Students may also find assistance in the Women's Center for Gender Justice with combating food insecurity, financial distress, domestic/partner violence, and women's health.  Because mental health concerns are increasing, the Counseling Center continues to expand the range of mental health resources it offers our students.   
We created a new Behavioral Intervention and Student Code of Conduct Guide for Faculty and Staff. The guide helps prevent, manage, and address disruptive behavior and identify campus resources to assist in managing these encounters. Please remember that you may consult with the Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) if you encounter concerning student behavior.
If you have any questions about the resources available to support our students, please do not hesitate to contact me.
James Salnave, Ed. D.
Interim Assistant Dean
Enrollment Management and Student Affairs