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York Alum Appointed to Queens Supreme Court

York College alumnus, Judge George A. Grasso, has been appointed Administrative Judge for Criminal Matters in the Queens Supreme Court.

Formerly an innovative Criminal Court justice in Brooklyn and the Bronx, Grasso will be the second York College alum to serve as a Supreme Court judge for Queens County, following Jeremy Weinstein, who retired in 2019.

Judge Grasso has remained an engaged alum and makes York proud, not just with his career trajectory, but as one current professor explains, his engagement with the college.

“Judge Grasso came to York for an [Executive Leadership] Breakfast just before COVID and gave an incredibly candid speech about judicial reform,” said Dr. Robin Harper, Professor of Political Science.

Judge Grasso's son, Joseph, also graduated from the York Pre-Law program and became a lawyer.

“They are so generous, both offering students their phone numbers and opportunities to be mentored,” said Dr. Harper, one of Assistant District Attorney Joseph Grasso’s mentors. “[This is] wonderful news!”

The senior Grasso was also a member of York's Foundation Board and along with his wife, Regina, attends York events whenever they can. Congratulations to the Grasso family; and kudos to former mentor, Dr. Shirley Ostholm, who stays in touch with countless attorneys she mentored during her tenure at York.

 Read more about Judge Grasso's appointment in the "Queens Daily Eagle."