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Prof. Junli Daio Receives Award for 'Best Research'

Congratulations to Professor Junli Diao, Assistant Professor/Head of Cataloging and Serials, on his 2021 CALA Jing Liao Award for the Best Research.

The research article on CUNY library faculty online profiles, won the award as he said in his acceptance speech, "'At the same time when I looked at seven pieces sent for the award application in the past seven years, I realized that this award has been playing an inspirational role in my research life," he explained. "'It reminded me to aim for higher, aim for better, and aim for more. Today, I am the award winner for 2021, but the inspiration from this award will never stop. The spirit of this award creates a new goal on the horizon.'"

Read  Recipients of CALA Annual Jing Liao Award for more information.