York's Nursing Students Increase Awareness for Breast Cancer Month
York's Nursing students attend "Power of Pink" A Breast Cancer Awareness Forum and a Breast Cancer Walk.
On Saturday, October 12th, 2019, five nursing students (Jonathan Lopez-Fernandez (president), Wilkins Cerda (Secretary), Chester Chow, Lucy Chen & Laurence Benn) and Dr. Valerie Taylor-Haslip, attended the Power of Pink A Breast Cancer Awareness Forum hosted by The National Council of Negro Women, Inc. Queens County Section with New York State Senator Leroy Comrie at St. Mary Magdalene Church.
The York Nursing team had a table set up with poster presentations that included information on Breast Cancer Awareness with breast modules to teach the women how to perform a self-breast examination. They also performed blood pressure screenings.
On Sunday, October 20th, 2019, 12 Nursing Students (Jonathan Lopez-Fernandez (President, Shamanie Shameer (Vice President), Wilkins Cerda (Secretary), Kirsten Mckoy (Treasurer), Rimi Fahmida, Aileen Wu, Chester Chow, Lucy Chen, Akhil Matthew, Elizabeth Mansilla, Laurence Benn, Troy Barrett), also participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk to bring awareness about the prevalence of breast cancer. The York College Nursing Club raised a total of $682.00 dollars.