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Partnership Pays off for York’s School of Health & Professional Programs

NQP recently donated financial support in the amount of $4000 to continue the York College Student Success Initiative (Peer 2 Peer Mentors).

When Dr. Maureen Becker arrived at York College as Dean of the School of Health Sciences and Professional Programs at the beginning of the fall semester 2018, she immediately knew one relationship she wanted to keep from her past: with the Staten Island Performing Provider System; and one she wanted to establish as soon as possible. She quickly sought out the Nassau/Queens Performing Provider System (NQP) representative, Glenn Courounis (Director of Organizational Development).

The Performing Provider System (PPS) is one of 25 groups across the state created to work on the New York State Department of Health’s Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) Program. Over this past year, numerous conference calls and meetings occurred and it paid off for the dean and her school.

NQP recently donated financial support in the amount of $4000 to continue the York College Student Success Initiative (Peer 2 Peer Mentors), which was a successful pilot program implemented last academic year through a City of New York (CUNY) grant award.

“We were able to work together, with the common goal of improving the health of our community via a patient-centered delivery system,” Dean Becker noted. “Our collaborative efforts yielded activities such as grant letters of support, co-sponsorship of events (health career fairs, a one-day course entitled, Social Determinants and the Law), joint visits to facilities (i.e. St. John’s Episcopal Hospital in Far Rockaway), introductions to other healthcare providers and/or educators.”

“The aim of the initiative is to expose students to the vast array of healthcare careers available, such as Clinical Lab Sciences, Nursing, Physician Assistant and Occupational Therapy; and those with enrollment limitations.”