A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM by William Shakespeare – May 2014, Tom Marion (Director), Tom Zlabinger (Original Music), David T. Jones (Scenic Design), John Eckert (Lighting Design), Kerry Gibbons (Costume Design), Lisa Hopkins-Hilliard & Mesha Millington (Choreography), Jessica Pecharsky (Production Stage Manager), Benjamin MacKrell (Technical Director). Cast: York College students Hermilo Bautista, Kevin Cauvin, Shakeerah Fredericks, Jose Grafals, Uchenna Ijeaku, Katrina Moise, Janelly Nunez, Kodjo Pedanou, Saisha Pringle, and Nene Sangare; York College alumni Sebrena Mason, Bukola Ogunmola, and Phil Williams; community actors Kristalyn Billips, Adam Rashad Glenn, Emmanuel Milfort, Alvaro Rivera, Avery Smith, and Anthony Castro; with over 25 high school and child dancers from the Gloria Eve School of Dance.