Study Abroad
Study Abroad Program at York College
CUNY International Travel Guidelines - Faculty members
Why Should You Study Abroad?
- Because it is the best and fastest way to improve your language skills;
- Because you want to broaden your educational experience;
- Because learning about other peoples will sharpen your cultural perspectives;
- Because you will get to experience another part of the world;
- Because you will fulfill a dream of communicating to more people;
- Because you will be able to refer to your experience on your resume;
- Because you will be able to study your favorite subject in another country;
- Because your experience might inspire a new career path;
- Because your experience will change your life for the better;
- Because you want to become a productive and successful member of the global community;
- Because you want to find your family origins.
How Do I Get Started?
Visit the CUNY Study Abroad website

It is extremely important to plan ahead and not wait until the last few days or /weeks to apply for any scholarship. It is also imperative to read instructions very carefully and fill out all required information accurately. Should you have any questions regarding the Study Abroad Program please contact:
Hamid Bahri, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
World Languages, Literatures & Humanities
Study Abroad Liaison