Two-Sided Market Practice 2

Prepared by:

Joseph Malkevitch
Mathematics Department
York College (CUNY)
Jamaica, NY 11451


web page:

1. Apply the Gale/Shapley Algorithm twice: once with the men proposing and once with the women proposing. (Can you find all of the stable matchings?)

Men's preferences:

  w1 w2 w3 w4
m1 3 1 4 2
m2 2 4 1 3
m3 3 1 2 4
m4 2 4 3 1

Women's preferences:

  w1 w2 w3 w4
m1 2 3 1 2
m2 1 4 4 1
m3 4 2 3 4
m4 3 1 2 3